MySirius cloud software for data registration and monitoring

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The JRI MySirius data registration software works completely in the cloud, which makes implementation very easy. The software is very easy to set up as desired and has a modular structure, so that you only pay for the functions you use. Another big advantage of the cloud software is that it always has the latest version and that local updates are no longer necessary. The LoRa and Nano SPY recorders can both be managed and monitored, combining both solutions in one system is also possible.


JRI cloud data-acquisition software series MySirius

SKU W-9000299
The JRI MySirius application allows fully customizable management thanks to a dashboard and modules adapted to needs and jobs of the users. The data transmitted by the LoRa® SPY connected temperature sensors are easily overseen and managed on - full-web platform. The interface is user-friendly, intuitive and customizable with different indicators and favorites offering a data management adap...

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